Missoula Old Time Social


The Missoula Old Time Social is currently on pause. All future events and old time socials will be announced via our listserv and on our website.

The Missoula Old Time Social is a three-day gathering celebrating traditional, old time music and dance. The Social features old time jams, concerts, workshops, a community square dance, and a grand cakewalk, all with the purpose of bringing people together in real time, face-to-face, to share in the experience of creating, enjoying, and dancing to homemade music. All are encouraged to participate—pick up an instrument, learn to clog, try your hand at square dancing, join in on a cakewalk. Likewise, this event is for everyone, beginners and experts alike. The Old Time Social is all about having a good time, and, well, it’s a social. We hope you’ll join in on the fun.